Obviously they don't want you to consider it - just think about how many problems there are now and understand they would all be solved by making it illegal again. Thinking through what the implications of doing that are and then justifying why we would do that will be left to everyone's imagination. Still, while pointing out all the new problems they had zero solutions for any of them short of a return to medical cannabis cards instead of a free-for-all. Also no mention of WHY cannabis was prohibited in the first place or HOW the escalation of the drug war was done so that the US government, under Nixon, could go after people who they disliked - blacks, Hispanics and hippies. Not once to they speak of the damage done by the drug war which focused on locking people in cages, ruining their lives and, often, entire families all because of a plant. Do they make any suggestions on how to fix any of the problems? Nope only back to criminalization. There ARE issues that need to be addressed.
They spend the entire video pointing out the perils of legalized cannabis.